Station Street Studio


Thank you for your enquiry about hiring Station Street Studio. Once you have spoken to the Booking Contact Person who should have replied to you, please complete this formal Application to Hire form which acts as an agreement between 26A Station Street Ltd (Management) and yourself (the Hirer).

In order to sell alcohol in the Hall a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) must be given to the Licensing Authority (LEWES District Council). There is a limit on the number of TENs which can be granted annually for any premises, therefore the Hirer shall obtain the written consent of the Station Street Management in writing for this purpose before giving the Licensing Authority a Temporary Event Notice. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the hiring without compensation. Please contact the Booking Contact via Email.

When there is Music and/or Dancing and when alcohol is on the premises, a deposit of £100which will be banked, must be RECEIVED by the Booking Contact at least 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. A further deposit of £50 will be charged if the PA system is used. Deposits will be refunded subject to there being no damage to The Studio or alternative rooms or contents during the letting and no extra payment being due as below.

You will be invoiced in advance and the invoice must be paid at least 4 weeks before the event. lf not the 25% booking fee will be retained if the event is cancelled within the last 4 weeks of the booking date.
I/We agree to pay the Booking Fee (non-refundable 25% total hire charge) in advance when invoiced and to observe and perform all of the Conditions of Hire set out.

Payment must be made for all breakages of crockery or loss of cutlery, and a charge of £5 will be levied if any LIGHTS are left on and £100 if the Hall is left UNLOCKED or if internal fire doors are left open after the use of The Studio or any other parts of the building.

An extra charge for cleaning may be levied to the Hirer if the premises are left unreasonable condition. Any LIQUID spilt on The Studio floor must be wiped up IMMEDIATELY. Hirers are requested not to wash the floor, only to sweep it and pick up any rubbish or sticky debris.

Keys: The key code will be provided up to 30 minutes of the start of hire time and must remain confidential except to the Hirer.